Balloon Wall Tutorial | Wedding Decoration Ideas

Category : Wedding

Hey guys welcome back to my channel and if you’re new to my channel go ahead and hit the subscribe button to see more home holiday event, wedding and DIY decor. Today, I’m gon na show you how to make a fun ballon backdrop for a wedding or for any fun celebration. Here we go. Some of you guys have been asking for me to make a balloon backdrop or a floral backdrop, and today I’m going to make a balloon backdrop, because it’s much more easier, I’m still collecting flowers for my floral backdrop, so stay tuned. For that one.

Are you guys for not today, you know what I mean all right, guys, let’s get started, I’m going to start by gluing together nine of these rug underlays from Dollar Tree with my high-temperature gun. So I add a glue in between the rug underlays. As you can see right here and now, I’m going to add more hot glue to the top to secure it, I’m going to be using a better stand for my backdrop – and this is the top part of it and I’m going to make a fold over it. So I can have it to slide it into so it’s going to look something like this. If you don’t have a stand, that is totally okay, you can always hang transparent cord, probably about four or more the more you have the better.

It is for you, but I would still make a fold to make this top part stronger, because this is kind of thin, so you still might want to fold it, so it can be stronger. So when you tie the transparent court, although the balloons are not that heavy, you still got some support right here. Alright, so I’m going to place this on here, so I can know how much room I need I’m going to start by gluing this to stiff parts where the glutes are at and here it is, and the dimensions are four and a half in width by six And a half in height, I’m going to start blowing up my balloons and I’m going to be using my balloon, buddy, which I love. This is from Party City and it’s the best invention. Ever I’m going to start with my 12 inch balloons and I’m going to be gluing down with my little temperature gun.

Next, I’m a 9-inch white balloon. Now I’m going to use my 5-inch white balloons to liven things up, I’m going to be using 9-inch, transparent balloons and I’m going to use this funnel to place gold confetti inside the balloons you are going to grab the funnel put it inside the balloon, and then You are going to add the confetti and then you’re going to grab a pencil or some type of object. That will you know, push the confetti down and it’s that easy look at that and then you’re just gon na go ahead and blow it up with your balloon, buddy or a pump, and if you overdo it, he explodes like this nice. Let’S try that again a little action of the Thai referrers project. Okay.

So let’s blow this one up, it’s going to happen. You are going to pop a few balloons, so that’s his life anyway. I just wanted to give you an example. Basically, you are going to need static. Okay, let me tie this and I’m scared.

Alright, so you’re, basically gon na need static and you are going to call static by crossing. Friction rub the balloon together. Sometimes I use my clothes knots. Sometimes I do it all the time yeah. So that’s how you get the confetti.

Okay, guys. This is my wedding balloon backdrop and I think, is fun and elegant. At the same time, I add a 12 inch transparent balloons to the bottom of the backdrop, and now I think, is perfect and of course I love it and by the way, today is the very next day and the reason why you probably going to see a Few guys between balloons, but that was because yesterday was very very cloudy and I couldn’t take the final so yeah. So that’s the reason for the little gaps in between the balloons, but nevertheless I still love it and I think it looks beautiful. I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did, please make sure to give it a thumbs up, go ahead.

If you liked it – and if you haven’t subscribe to my channel yet hit ever and right now awesome, you can have your friends or family members who are having a wedding or a party and share this video with those. If you think they will like it. Alright and Oh leave me a comment, let me know what you thought of my backdrop, because I love to take your feedback and I love all the positive energy. You guys send my way all the time, alright guys until next time.

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